Celebrating a King

Our Infants Christmas Concert saw a buzz of excitement as families, friends and staff came together for the highly anticipated event.

Year 2 students took to the SGCS Newsroom to recall the coronation of King Charles III, which set the scene for the theme of the day. Year 2 soldiers led the dances with a coronation procession, followed by an impressive flyover by our Year 1 boys. These daring pilots formed aircraft that left plumes of red, white and blue in their wake, cleverly presented by the Year 1 girls, who danced an impressive Irish jig.

Following the coronation, a celebration was had far and wide with the Year 2 girls hosting a royal tea party and inviting the crowd to 鈥楤e our Guest鈥. No celebration is complete without entertainment, and our Kindergarten students did not disappoint with robot moves from the hip hop boys and twirls and swirls from the ballerina girls.

Whilst the theme of the day was the crowning of a new King, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, the King of all Kings. Although Jesus鈥 birth was not led by a procession of soldiers or marked by a flamboyant flyover or concert, it was one that was heralded by a heavenly host of angels. Earthly kings will come and go but Christ the Lord will forever be glorified. 

Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy for all the people. For this day in the city of David, a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.

Luke 2:10-11

Thank you to the Infants staff and parent body for their time and effort in presenting a wonderful concert to honour the birth of Christ.